锘 (function () { if (window["Globalstech_js"]) { return; } if (typeof Globalstech === "undefined") { Globalstech = function () { }; } // var WINDOWS = []; Globalstech.stopBubble = function (e) { //涓€鑸敤鍦ㄩ紶鏍囨垨閿洏浜嬩欢涓 if (e && e.stopPropagation) { //W3C鍙栨秷鍐掓场浜嬩欢 e.stopPropagation(); } else { //IE鍙栨秷鍐掓场浜嬩欢 window.event.cancelBubble = true; } }; Globalstech.ClosePopup = function (mid, refresh) { if (refresh != false && (refresh == undefined || refresh == "")) { refresh = true; } if (window.ClosePopupAllowRefresh) { refresh = true; } if (parent) { var iPopUp = parent.jQuery("#iPopUp"); if (iPopUp.length > 0 && iPopUp.dialog) { iPopUp.dialog("close"); } if (window.parent.OpenedWindow) { window.parent.OpenedWindow.refresh = refresh; window.parent.OpenedWindow.close(); window.parent.OpenedWindow.isShow = false; } } return false; }; Globalstech.ClosePopupAndRefreshPage = function () { if (parent) { if (window.parent.OpenedWindow) { window.parent.OpenedWindow.isShow = false; window.parent.OpenedWindow.close(); } parent.location.href = parent.location.href; } }; Globalstech.PopupSetSize = function (width, height) { var wnd = window.OpenedWindow; if (!wnd) { wnd = parent.window.OpenedWindow; } if (wnd) { wnd.setSize(width, height); } } //鍒锋柊鐖剁骇妯″潡 Globalstech.RefreshParent = function (mid) { if (parent && mid) { var pModule = parent.window["Module" + mid]; if (pModule) { //璁剧疆寮傛鍒锋柊鐨勬潵婧 parent.$("#AjaxRefreshCommand" + mid).val(window["Module" + mid].options.uniqueName); //鍒锋柊妯″潡 pModule.refreshModule(); } } } //鍒锋柊鐖剁骇妯″潡 Globalstech.Refresh = function (mid, uniqueName, valid) { if (mid && (!window["OpenedWindow"] || OpenedWindow.refresh == undefined || OpenedWindow.refresh == true)) { var module = window["Module" + mid]; if (module) { //璁剧疆寮傛鍒锋柊鐨勬潵婧 // $("#AjaxRefreshCommand" + mid).val(uniqueName); module.setAjaxRefreshCommand(uniqueName); //鍒锋柊妯″潡 module.refreshModule(); } } } //寮圭獥 Globalstech.ShowPopup = function (url, mid) { if (url.indexOf("popUp=true") == -1) { if (url && url.indexOf("?") == -1) { url += "?"; } else { url += "&"; } url += "popUp=true"; } if (!window.OpenedWindow) { window.OpenedWindow = $find("Globalstech_Window"); //寮圭獥 if (window.OpenedWindow && mid) { window.OpenedWindow.add_beforeClose(function (sender, args) { window.OpenedWindow.isShow = false; var module = window["ChildModule" + mid]; if (module) { try { var form = $(".RadWindow iframe").get(0).contentWindow.document.forms[0]; if (module.options.validFormIsDirty) {//濡傛灉寮€鍚〃鍗曚慨鏀归獙璇 if (Globalstech.formIsDirty(form)) { if (!confirm("瀵逛笉璧凤紝椤甸潰鏁版嵁宸插仛淇敼锛屽皻鏈繚瀛橈紝纭畾瑕佸埛鏂版垨绂诲紑鏈〉闈紵")) { args.set_cancel(true); return false; } } } } catch (e) { } } if (window.OpenedWindow.refresh) { if (module) { window.Globalstech.Refresh(mid, module.options.uniqueName); } else { window.Globalstech.Refresh(mid, ""); } } //杩樺師鐖堕〉闈㈢殑婊氬姩鏉 if (window.parent) { window.parent.$(document.body).css("overflow-y", "auto"); } }); } } window.OpenedWindow.setUrl(url); var module = Globalstech.GetModule(mid); if (module) { var moduleOptions = module.options; if (moduleOptions.autosize) { window.OpenedWindow.setSize($(window).width() * 0.9, $(window).height() * 0.9); } } //濡傛灉椤甸潰url璁剧疆瀹介珮 var req = new Globalstech.QueryString(url); var w = req["w"]; var h = req["h"]; if (w && h) { window.OpenedWindow.setSize(parseInt(w), parseInt(h)); } /* if (window["PopupTitle"]) { Globalstech.SetPopupTitle(window.PopupTitle); }*/ window.OpenedWindow.show(); window.OpenedWindow.isShow = true; if (window.parent && window.parent.OpenedWindow && window.parent != self) { var width = window.parent.OpenedWindow.get_width(); var height = window.parent.OpenedWindow.get_height(); window.OpenedWindow.setSize(width * 0.9, height * 0.9); window.OpenedWindow.center(); } //灞忚斀鐖堕〉闈㈢殑婊氬姩鏉 if (window.parent) { window.parent.$(document.body).css("overflow-y", "hidden"); } } /* Globalstech.SetPopupTitle = function (title) { if (window.OpenedWindow) { setTimeout(function () { window.OpenedWindow.set_title(title); }, 50); } } */ Globalstech.ShowPopupOnReady = function (url, mid) { if (window["Sys"]) { if (!Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().get_isInAsyncPostBack()) {//浠呭湪闈炲紓姝ュ埛鏂版椂鍔犺浇绐楀彛 setTimeout(function () { Globalstech.ShowPopup(url, mid); }, 50); } } else { $(function () { setTimeout(function () { Globalstech.ShowPopup(url, mid); }, 50); }); } } Globalstech.AjaxRequest = function (args) { var ajaxManager = Globalstech.GetAjaxManager(); if (ajaxManager != null) { ajaxManager.ajaxRequest(args); } }; Globalstech.AjaxRequestWithTarget = function (id, args) { var ajaxManager = Globalstech.GetAjaxManager(); if (ajaxManager != null) { ajaxManager.ajaxRequestWithTarget(id, args); } }; Globalstech.GetAjaxManager = function () { return $find("AjaxManager"); }; Globalstech.ToolBarClicking = function (gridClientId) { return function (sender, args) { var button = args.get_item(); var value = button.get_value(); var grid = $find(gridClientId); var attrs = button.get_attributes(); switch (value) { case "Delete": if (!confirmSelected("璇烽€夋嫨瑕佸垹闄ょ殑椤?)) { return; } var message = "鏄惁鍒犻櫎閫夋嫨涓」?"; if (sender.findItemByValue("Restore")) { message = "鏄惁浠庡洖鏀剁珯涓交搴曞垹闄?娉ㄦ剰姝ゅ垹闄ゆ棤娉曟仮澶?"; } if (!confirm(message)) { args.set_cancel(true); } break; case "Restore": if (!confirmSelected("璇烽€夋嫨瑕佽繕鍘熺殑椤?)) { return; } if (!confirm("鏄繕鍘熼櫎閫夋嫨涓」?")) { args.set_cancel(true); } break; } if (window["ToolBarClicking"] && $.isFunction(window["ToolBarClicking"])) { if (!window["ToolBarClicking"](sender, args, grid)) { args.set_cancel(true); return; } } var verifyCheck = attrs.getAttribute("Verify-Check"); var verifyCheckMessage = attrs.getAttribute("Verify-Check-Message"); if (verifyCheck == "true") { if (!confirmSelected(verifyCheckMessage)) { return; } } function confirmSelected(message) { if (grid && grid.get_selectedItems().length == 0) { Globalstech.Tip.show({ text: message, type: "warning", maxCount: 1 }); args.set_cancel(true); return false; } return true; } }; }; Globalstech.formIsDirty = function (form) { if (!form) { form = $("form").get(0); } if (!form) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) { var element = form.elements[i]; var type = element.type; if (type == "checkbox" || type == "radio") { if (element.checked != element.defaultChecked) { return true; 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}; Globalstech.HTMLEncode = function (html) { var temp = document.createElement("div"); (temp.textContent != null) ? 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} } return theRequest; } if (parent && parent.window["PopupTitle"]) { if (parent.window.OpenedWindow) { setTimeout(function () { parent.window.OpenedWindow.set_title(parent.window["PopupTitle"]); }, 1); } } var validIntervalId; var groups = {}, defaultRules = {}, defaultMessages = {}; var validateOptions = { rules: defaultRules, messages: defaultMessages, errorElement: "label", ignore: ".ignore", onfocusout: function (element) { $(element).valid(); }, onkeyup: function (element, e) { //杈撳叆闂撮殧鍐呬笉楠岃瘉 if (validIntervalId) { clearTimeout(validIntervalId); } validIntervalId = setTimeout(function () { $(element).valid(); }, 500); }, success: function (label) { label.html(" ").addClass("valid"); }, errorPlacement: function (error, element) { if (element.data("tip") == true) { var offsetX = element.data("offsetx") || (element.width() + 25); var offsetY = element.data("offsety") || (element.height() / 2); error.css({ left: (element.position().left + offsetX) + "px", top: (element.position().top + offsetY) + "px", position: "absolute" }); 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} else { rules = groups[validateOption.group].rules; messages = groups[validateOption.group].messages; } } else { rules = defaultRules; messages = defaultMessages; } var name = validateOption.name; if (!rules[name]) { rules[name] = {}; } if (!messages[name]) { messages[name] = {}; } buildValidate(validateOption, "required"); buildValidate(validateOption, "max"); buildValidate(validateOption, "min"); buildValidate(validateOption, "maxlength"); buildValidate(validateOption, "minlength"); buildValidate(validateOption, "equalTo"); buildValidate(validateOption, "range"); buildValidate(validateOption, "rangelength"); //TODO 澶氫釜琛ㄨ揪寮 if (validateOption.exp) { if (validateOption.exp[0] == "^") { buildValidate(validateOption, "exp"); } else { rules[name][validateOption.exp] = validateOption.exp; messages[name][validateOption.exp] = validateOption.exp_msg; } } if (validateOption.remote) { if (validateOption.remote_elementid) { var id = validateOption.remote_elementid; rules[name]["remote"] = { url: validateOption.remote, data: { value: function () { return encodeURIComponent($("#" + id).val()); 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} Globalstech.Download = function (url) { Globalstech.Tip.show({ text: "姝e湪涓嬭浇鏂囦欢,璇风◢绛?, type: "warning", position: "middle-center" }); var downloader; downloader = document.getElementById("downloader"); if (!downloader) { downloader = document.createElement("iframe"); downloader.id = "downloader"; downloader.style.display = "none"; document.body.appendChild(downloader); } if (downloader) { downloader.src = url; } }; window["Globalstech_js"] = true; })(); //娴姩鎻愮ず妗 (function () { var settings = { inEffect: { opacity: 'show' }, // in effect inEffectDuration: 600, // in effect duration in miliseconds stayTime: 4000, // 鍋滅暀鏃堕棿 text: '', // sticky: false, // 鏄惁涓嶈嚜鍔ㄥ叧闂 type: 'info', // notice, warning, error, success position: 'top-full', // 宸︿笂= top-left, 涓婁腑= top-center,鍙充笂=top-right,涓乏= middle-left,涓? middle-center,涓彸= middle-right closeText: '', //鍏抽棴鏂囨湰 close: null, // 鍏抽棴鍥炶皟 maxCount: 1 }; var wrap = {}; Globalstech.Tip = { show: function (options) { if (parent && parent != self && top) { top.Globalstech.Tip.show(options); 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var oldUrl = $(this).data("url"); if (oldUrl) { url = oldUrl + "&r=" + Math.random(); } else { $(this).data("url", url); url = url + "&r=" + Math.random(); } $(this).attr("src", url); }); if (location.href.indexOf("popUp=true") != -1 && location.href.indexOf("dnnprintmode") != -1) { Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_beginRequest(function () { $(".dnnActions input[id*=cmdUpdate]").prop("disabled", true); }); Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_endRequest(function () { $(".dnnActions input[id*=cmdUpdate]").prop("disabled", false); }); } // //璁剧疆閫夐」鍗$储寮 // var request = Globalstech.QueryString(location.href); // // setTimeout(function () { // if (request["tabindex"]) { // var tabIndex = parseInt(request["tabindex"]); // $(".ui-tabs-nav li").eq(tabIndex).find("a").click(); // } else { // if (!request["id"]) { // $(".ui-tabs-nav li:first a").click(); // } // } // }, 200); GlobalstechRegisterValidator(); }); function GlobalstechRegisterValidator() { if (!$.validator) { setTimeout(function () { GlobalstechRegisterValidator(); }, 50); return; } !function () { var a = { 11: "\u5317\u4eac", 12: "\u5929\u6d25", 13: "\u6cb3\u5317", 14: "\u5c71\u897f", 15: "\u5185\u8499\u53e4", 21: "\u8fbd\u5b81", 22: "\u5409\u6797", 23: "\u9ed1\u9f99\u6c5f", 31: "\u4e0a\u6d77", 32: "\u6c5f\u82cf", 33: "\u6d59\u6c5f", 34: "\u5b89\u5fbd", 35: "\u798f\u5efa", 36: "\u6c5f\u897f", 37: "\u5c71\u4e1c", 41: "\u6cb3\u5357", 42: "\u6e56\u5317", 43: "\u6e56\u5357", 44: "\u5e7f\u4e1c", 45: "\u5e7f\u897f", 46: "\u6d77\u5357", 50: "\u91cd\u5e86", 51: "\u56db\u5ddd", 52: "\u8d35\u5dde", 53: "\u4e91\u5357", 54: "\u897f\u85cf", 61: "\u9655\u897f", 62: "\u7518\u8083", 63: "\u9752\u6d77", 64: "\u5b81\u590f", 65: "\u65b0\u7586", 71: "\u53f0\u6e7e", 81: "\u9999\u6e2f", 82: "\u6fb3\u95e8", 91: "\u56fd\u5916" }; checkCard = function (a) { return "number" == typeof a && (a = a.toString()), "" === a ? !1 : isCardNo(a) === !1 ? !1 : checkProvince(a) === !1 ? !1 : checkBirthday(a) === !1 ? !1 : checkParity(a) === !1 ? !1 : !0 }, isCardNo = function (a) { var b = /(^\d{15}$)|(^\d{17}(\d|X)$)/; return b.test(a) === !1 ? !1 : !0 }, checkProvince = function (b) { var c = b.substr(0, 2); return void 0 == a[c] ? !1 : !0 }, checkBirthday = function (a) { var b = a.length; if ("15" == b) { var c = /^(\d{6})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})$/, d = a.match(c), e = d[2], f = d[3], g = d[4], h = new Date("19" + e + "/" + f + "/" + g); return verifyBirthday("19" + e, f, g, h) } if ("18" == b) { var i = /^(\d{6})(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{3})([0-9]|X)$/, d = a.match(i), e = d[2], f = d[3], g = d[4], h = new Date(e + "/" + f + "/" + g); return verifyBirthday(e, f, g, h) } return !1 }, verifyBirthday = function (a, b, c, d) { var e = new Date, f = e.getFullYear(); if (d.getFullYear() == a && d.getMonth() + 1 == b && d.getDate() == c) { var g = f - a; return g >= 3 && 100 >= g ? !0 : !1 } return !1 }, checkParity = function (a) { a = changeFivteenToEighteen(a); var b = a.length; if ("18" == b) { var f, g, c = new Array(7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2), d = new Array("1", "0", "X", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2"), e = 0; for (f = 0; 17 > f; f++) e += a.substr(f, 1) * c[f]; return g = d[e % 11], g == a.substr(17, 1) ? !0 : !1 } return !1 }, changeFivteenToEighteen = function (a) { if ("15" == a.length) { var e, b = new Array(7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2), c = new Array("1", "0", "X", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2"), d = 0; for (a = a.substr(0, 6) + "19" + a.substr(6, a.length - 6), e = 0; 17 > e; e++) d += a.substr(e, 1) * b[e]; return a += c[d % 11] } return a }, window.IdentityCodeValid = checkCard }(); $.validator.addMethod("int", function (value, element) { if (this.optional(element)) { return true; } return /^\d+$/.test(value); }, "鏃犳晥鐨勬牸寮?"); $.validator.addMethod("money", function (value, element) { if (this.optional(element)) { return true; } return /^[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?$/.test(value); }, "鏃犳晥閲戦."); //琛ㄨ揪寮 $.validator.addMethod("exp", function (value, element, param) { if (this.optional(element)) { return true; } if (typeof param === "string") { param = new RegExp(param); } return param.test(value); }, "鏃犳晥鐨勬牸寮?"); //鎵嬫満鍙风爜楠岃瘉 $.validator.addMethod("mobile", function (value, element) { var mobile = /^1[0-9]{10}$/; return this.optional(element) || mobile.test(value); }, "璇锋纭~鍐欐偍鐨勬墜鏈哄彿鐮?); //鎵嬫満鍙风爜楠岃瘉 $.validator.addMethod("tel", function (value, element) { var tel = /^\d{3,4}-?\d{7,9}$/; return this.optional(element) || tel.test(value); }, "璇锋纭~鍐欐偍鐨勮仈绯荤數璇?); //鑱旂郴鏂瑰紡 $.validator.addMethod("contact", function (value, element) { return this.optional(element) || /^\d{3,4}-?\d{7,9}$/g.test(value) || /^1\d{10}$/g.test(value); }, "璇锋纭~鍐欐偍鐨勮仈绯荤數璇?); $.validator.addMethod("idcard", function (value, element) { return this.optional(element) || IdentityCodeValid(value); }, "鏃犳晥鐨勮韩浠借瘉鍙?); // $.validator.addMethod("zipcode", function (value, element) { return this.optional(element) || /^[0-9]{6}$/.test(value); }, "璇锋纭~鍐欐偍鐨勯偖鏀跨紪鐮?); $.validator.addMethod("htmlEmpty", function (value, element) { value = $.trim(unescape(value)); if (value.length == 0) { return false; 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var options = Globalstech.GetValidatorOptions(); //楠岃瘉 if (window["Sys"]) { Sys.Application.add_load(function () { var form = $("form"); var validator = form.validate(options); form.submit(function () { fixTabs(validator); }); Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance().add_initializeRequest(function (sender, args) { var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance(); var element = args.get_postBackElement(); if ($(element).data("causesvalidation") != false) { if (validator.cancelSubmit) { validator.cancelSubmit = false; return true; } if (validator.form()) { if (validator.pendingRequest) { validator.formSubmitted = true; args.set_cancel(true); prm.abortPostBack(); return false; } return true; } else { args.set_cancel(true); prm.abortPostBack(); validator.focusInvalid(); fixTabs(validator); return false; } } }); }); } else { $("form").validate(options); } //楠岃瘉鎸囧畾鍒嗙粍 $(document).on("click", "[data-group]", function () { var group = $(this).data("group"); if (group) { Globalstech.SetValidatorGroup(group); } }); } if (window["dnnModuleDragDrop"]) { window["dnnModuleDragDrop"] = function () { //fix bug }; } //璁剧疆棰勮鍥 if ($.colorbox) { setTimeout(function () { $("a.img").colorbox(); }, 500); }